قلعة أربيل في إقليم كوردستان العراق ويعود تاريخها إلى حوالي 6000 عام ، وهي أشورية ألاصل وتبلغ مساحتها حوالي 11000 متر مربع ، وترتفع 431 مترًا عن سطح … [Read more...] about قلعة أربيل
قرية سولوزاوا البولندية
قرية سولوزاوا البولندية على شكل شرائط متقابلة من الممتلكات الزراعية. استعادت بولندا استقلالها في نهاية الحرب العالمية الأولى، وقبل ذلك قُسمت هذه … [Read more...] about قرية سولوزاوا البولندية
Arch of Ctesiphon
A reconstruction of the Arch of Ctesiphon as it may have appeared in the 6th cent. compared to its remaining ruins today in Iraq. The arch, … [Read more...] about Arch of Ctesiphon
Palmanova is a town and comune in Northeast Italy. The town is an example of a star fort of the late Renaissance, built up by the Venetian … [Read more...] about Palmanova
Unconventional housing?
Welcome to the unique architecture from the Dutch. If you look closely, the water level in this neighborhood is higher than the parking area on the … [Read more...] about Unconventional housing?
Evolution of an Urban Benchmark
During the last few years, many thematic concepts were published towards the optimum and excellent urban modelling.. The Quest of … [Read more...] about Evolution of an Urban Benchmark